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Created Life from Water

الْبَدِيعُ: AL-BADEE’ -

The Incomparable Originator

Al-Badee’ mean unique Originator. He is the One whose incomparable power originates, invents and brings into existence all of the unique creation without following any prior model or unlike any similarity to anything that ever existed.

لْمُصَوِّرُ: AL-MUSAWWIR’ - The Fashioner

Al-Musawwir: The One who is the Fashioner and Former of each and every thing in all of creation. It is the One who has given everything in creation a special inclination of desire and a special form and a special manner whereby it is.

And I created not the invisible beings and mankind except that they should worship Me (Alone).

Al Quran: Az-Zariyat (The Winds that Scatter) 51:56

He it is who shapes you in the wombs as He wills. None has the right to be worshipped but He, Almighty, the Truly Wise.

Al Quran: Al-Imran (The Family of Imran) 3:6

The Originator [is He] of the heavens and the earth. He has given you mates of your own kind  just as [He has willed that] among the beasts [there be] mates - to multiply you thereby: [but] there is nothing like unto Him, and He alone is all-hearing, all-seeing.

Al Quran: Ash-Shura (The Consultation) 42:11

He to whom the dominion over the heavens and the earth belongs, and who begets no offspring,  and has no partner in His dominion: for it is He who creates every thing and determines its nature in accordance with [His own] design.

The Originator [is He] of the heavens and the earth. He has given you mates of your own kind  just as [He has willed that] among the beasts [there be] mates - to multiply you thereby: [but] there is nothing like unto Him, and He alone is all-hearing, all-seeing.

Al Quran: Ash-Shura (The Consultation) 42:11

Prasies to the Creator & Sustainer of Universe and Life, Omnipotent King, All Blessed, Most High, the Owner of Majesty & Honour:  Lord  of Adam(pbuh), Noah(pbuh), Issac(pbuh), Joseph(pbuh), jacob(pbuh), David(pbuh) Moses(pbuh), Mary(pbuh), Jesus (pbuh), Muhammed(pbuh) the last prophet in the chain of Prophethood.

الْبَارِئُ : AL-BAARI’ -  The Originator

The One who is the Originator of everything. He is the Creator and The One who gives distinguished characteristics to all of His Creation. Al-Bari’ knows His creation best.

Forms of life on earth

Life created from water

Life Created in pairs

Animals Communication 



His Authorised

His Prophets & Messengers are the only persons our Lord sent the guidance for mankind.

Worship Whom

Worship only the Lord of Universe,  no partners to Him. Do not worship His Creations.

Become Good

Become a person: good, honest, give charity to needy and poors, no corrcuption, be fair...


IF you have  faith as per Holy Quran, do good deeds, you will be given Paradise & forever life.

What to Do

Do honest search. Study all Religions, Books..Torah. Bible, Quran and decide your fate.

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